[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cambridge District ADM - Saturday 8th January
Greg Shields
shieldsgp at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jan 6 14:51:54 GMT 2022
Dear All,
I am forwarding the attached documents as requested.
Best regards, Greg S.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
----- Forwarded message ----- Sent: Thu, 6 Jan 2022 at 13:35
Subject: Fwd: ADM - Saturday 8th January Dear tower contacts,
Please could you circulate the attached documents for this Saturday's ADM to your bands? The message has been sent to the district email list, but we know that not all members receive these emails.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Catriona Agg <catrionashearer41 at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2022 at 13:22
Subject: ADM - Saturday 8th January
To: <cambridge-district at lists.beasts.org>
Dear all,
A reminder of arrangements for this Saturday's ADM:
2-4pm: Ringing at Great Shelford. Please wear a mask and do a lateral flow test beforehand if you can.
5pm: ADM on Zoom. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsc-6pqT0qGN0-iq-9Zx-uIFI1SEZ8CseI
The agenda, accounts, reports and minutes of last year's meeting are attached to this email. Please have a look at these in advance so that the meeting time can be used for questions and discussion.
On Thu, 9 Dec 2021 at 23:48, Stephen Burr <stephen8983 at gmail.com> wrote:
Dear All,
It's that time of year again, and the Annual District meeting is fast approaching in the New Year. I'll outline the plans for this, so please bear with me, as there will be a lot of information to digest!
The ADM itself will take place at 5pm on Saturday 8th January, and after debating whether to plan an in-person meeting or a virtual one, the Committee have decided that under the current circumstances it is better to hold the meeting virtually on Zoom. We understand that this is not ideal, however, we feel that it is a sensible move in light of the recent emergence of the Omicron variant. You can pre-register for the meeting using the link below:
You are invited to the Cambridge District ADM.
When: Jan 8, 2022 17:00 London
Register in advance for this meeting:
We are also planning to have open ringing prior to the meeting at Great Shelford from 2-4pm, this should give adequate time for people to get back home afterwards for the meeting. We currently expect this to be able to go ahead, but I will confirm this in the New Year. As always, everyone will be welcome to join and we will make sure that all requests are catered for!
A few points relating to the ADM:
Please send any items for the agenda to Catriona (Secretary at CambridgeRinging.info) well in advance of the meeting. The agenda and relevant documents will be circulated closer to the time, but the sooner we can get them out the better!
After being waived for the last couple of years, EDA subs will be collected in 2022 and will be £10 for adults and £5 for juniors. As in previous years, Shirley will be in touch with tower contacts to arrange collection of subs, so please don't be too shocked when they are requested!
I'm sure you all saw Catriona's email last week regarding the various District officer and committee roles. Please do follow up with any of us currently on the committee if you would be interested in getting involved with any of the roles, even if you are just curious!
Many of you will be aware that Geoff Perryman has stepped back from his role as Practice Night Support Scheme coordinator after many years. Many towers, and many ringers in the District have benefited from his hard work, and we would like to discuss at the ADM how the scheme might be revived post-COVID. Since this is something that will be important for towers across the District I'd like to encourage anyone who cannot attend the meeting but wants to contribute to the discussion to contact one of the officers and let us know your thoughts. We would also be very interested to hear from anyone who might be willing to take on the role of coordinating the scheme, as it is unlikely to be as successful as it has been previously without a willing volunteer at the helm.
Finally, don't forget that the Carol Service is taking place on Saturday this weekend. As advised by Phil, please remember to take a lateral flow test and take a mask if you are planning to ring, and also take your own drinking vessel if you would like to partake in the refreshments afterwards!
Look out for further updates in the New Year, but in the meantime have a very Merry Christmas!
Best wishes
Cambridge-District mailing list
Cambridge-District at lists.beasts.org
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