[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton - Tuesday Practice (July 2022) Google Sheet

William Roberts william.roberts at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Jul 4 15:27:24 BST 2022

Hi everyone,

Another month has arrived, so I've adapted the Google Sheet to include a new tab/sheet for the Tuesday practice schedule for July:

Cherry Hinton Tuesday Practice ringing - 2022<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hCANFnh72p2WKI_6vrUOk7QaERzEsvDZ13Rwhqj2rYo/edit?usp=sharing>
July 2022 Tuesday ringing at Cherry Hinton - July 2022 Tower Captain Total Ringers,0,1,1,1 Name,05 July,12 July,19 July,26 July Will,No,Yes,Yes,Yes Caroline Marina Ian Tim Amanda Ami Annemarie Clive Jones Robert
If someone who knows the Tower Captain rota could fill that in on the spreadsheet, this would be greatly appreciated.

Apologies again for the very short notice for tomorrow's practice!

Best wishes,
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