[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Any interest in a Quarter Peal this Sunday?

ian ian at vivhamilton.com
Fri Jun 17 11:13:05 BST 2022

Morning all

Ok, this Sunday is not 'a goer' (not enough ringers) but Sunday 26th is 
a strong possibility with (at the moment) Tim, Will, Annemarie and me; 
I'll rustle up two more ringers.  I'm thinking of doubles.  If anyone 
hasn't replied, please do so quickly!



On 16/06/2022 16:51, ian via Cherry-hinton-ringers wrote:
> Dear friends!
> The temperature is set to plummet to 18 deg C with a chance of rain 
> this coming Sunday, and we have the opportunity to ring from 2pm or 
> 2:30 for 45 minutes, so what about a quarter peal?
> Please flag your interest (or disinterest!) and suggest a method or 
> two that you'd like to ring, and I'll try and put a band together.  If 
> this Sunday doesn't suit, the church diary is clear for Sunday 26th June.
> Looking forward to your replies
> Ian
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