[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Practice tomorrow at Cherry Hinton

ian ian at vivhamilton.com
Mon Sep 12 17:47:03 BST 2022

My ha'penn'th

Ok, learners can restart on 20th.  I'll send them an email at 8pm, based 
on the feedback we get from the list.
I can be available to assist securing muffles from 7pm; 1 hour should be 
enough between the Will, Robert and me.  I'll bring Gaffer tape ...
I think ringing fully- or half-muffled is a very useful experience, and 
worth the shortened practice.



On 12/09/2022 17:16, Amanda Cator via Cherry-hinton-ringers wrote:
> Hi All
> Thanks everyone for all you've done so far to keep the Cherry Hinton 
> bells ringing over this national mourning period.
> I have sought Karin's guidance over whether it's appropriate to be 
> holding a practice this week under the current circumstances.
> Karin would support a practice taking place for a shorter period of 
> time between 8pm and 9pm tomorrow providing that the muffles are in 
> place on the bells by then.
> I feel we need to cancel the learners practice this week at 7pm - so 
> the next questions are:
>   * Could the muffles be added to the bells ahead of 8pm tomorrow ?
>  *
>   * Do people want to attend a practice tomorrow on muffled bells for
>     a reduced period of time ?
> I'm happy to run a shortened practice - if the above conditions can be 
> met.
> Thanks and let me know your thoughts.
> Amanda
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