[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton Muffles

ian ian at vivhamilton.com
Fri Sep 23 21:46:48 BST 2022

Evening all

When we took the muffles off the clappers on Tuesday, I noted that the 
leather looked very dry.  I took the muffles home and treated them with 
neatsfoot oil (traditional leather restorative - ask any horsey person); 
in the process, I noted that the cotton stitching had broken on half of 
the muffles, and that the leather straps were cracked.  These are not 
major problems, but suggest that the muffles are well-worn and in need 
of repair or replacement.

I guess that the muffles have about 2 years to go before they fail, so I 
recommend that a new set be procured and the existing muffles repaired.  
I am willing to attempt to repair the muffles, but it may be a slow 
process.  In the mean time, ordering a set of Wilf muffles (Make It 
Jones muffles - other suppliers are available) would be a good strategy.

Thoughts anyone?



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