[Cherry-hinton-ringers] The Gipson

Annemarie Adams adamszwink at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 11:57:36 GMT 2023

Dear All


Some of you will know about the Gipson challenge and have taken part.  For
those for whom this is new, here is a brief description.  Having seen many
meetings where towers sat at their own table and didn't talk to anyone from
other towers, Paul Seaman set up a 'competition' some 20 years ago to try
and encourage ringers from different towers to get together and ring.  It
was given the name 'Gipson Trophy' in honour of John Gipson, a talented,
enthusiastic ringer from Orwell.


Cherry Hinton has taken part for a number of years and had a lot of fun
ringing at other towers also taking part with the idea of just having fun;
the scores for the ringing on the night being a secondary issue.  The Gipson
has not taken place since 2019 because of the pandemic but it is now back
this year and Cherry Hinton is again taking part. This year there are 4
towers joining in so that means 3 visits to the Cherry practice and 3 visits
for the Cherry ringers to visit the other towers; Linton, Great Shelford and
a combined team from Little Shelford and Meldreth.  We will need a band of 6
confirmed ringers for each match with a reserve ringer or two


I have attached the dates of the fixtures for Cherry Hinton between March
and November, together with Paul's background notes.  Please could you let
me know if you would be prepared to be part of the team.  You do not have to
ring in all the fixtures, just the ones when you are available.


Having rung in it several times, it is good fun, a great chance to visit
other towers and to meet other ringers from the District.


I'll look forward to hearing from you.


Best wishes






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