[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Fwd: EDA subs and Annual Report

Caroline hough chough61 at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 10 19:29:54 GMT 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Shirley Warbrick <shirley.warbrick at googlemail.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2023, 10:35
Subject: EDA subs and Annual Report
To: Cherry Hinton <info at cherryhintonbellringers.org.uk>

Dear Caroline,

This is my annual reminder to pay Ely Diocesan Association subs and a check
to see if the details about your tower in the Annual Report are correct.

These are the current details about your tower:

CHERRY HINTON, Cambridgeshire. St Andrew. 6 bells, 10-2-4 in Ab.
TL489570. Sunday 09:25; Tuesday 19:30. Peals 37
Sec: Caroline Hough : info at cherryhintonbellringers.org.uk
2017 Adams, Annemarie
2004 Cator, Amanda .......... 1
2017 Hamilton, Ian D
2019 Hough, Caroline
1989 Probert, Katherine M A
................ 53
2020 Probert, Oliver
2002 Probert, Rhyan W ..... 1
2001 Shields, Greg
2016 Shore, Chris
1974 Webber, David (dec’d)8
2010 Webster, Vanessa .... 58

Please could check that the tower and ringer details are correct and let me
know of any changes.

All ringers are paid up for 2022.

2023 subs are now due at £10 for adult members and £5 for junior members.
Payment is by bank transfer to the district account:

Name   E D A Cambridge District

Type of account   Business

Sort code   30-25-80

Account number   62652868

Please use your surname and tower as a reference.

Payment is also possible by cheque payable to ‘E D A Cambridge District’,
posted to me at 55, Babraham Road, Sawston, Cambridge, CB22 3DQ.

If you have any ringers who would like to be elected to the Ely Diocesan
Association, an application form cam be downloaded here:

If you complete the form and send it to me either in person, by email, or
through the post, members can normally be elected at the next District
Meeting (held on the second Saturday of every month, details on the
District website https://cambridgeringing.info).

The Annual District Meeting will be held at Linton on Saturday 14th January
with ringing from 16.00, tea at 17.00 followed by the meeting. It would be
lovely to see you and your ringers there.


Shirley Warbrick

Cambridge District Treasurer
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