[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Tuesday 26th September

Annemarie Adams adamszwink at gmail.com
Sat Sep 23 15:57:10 BST 2023

Dear All


I am 'It' for next week's practice.  In addition to working on Plain Bob
Doubles and Grandsire, I hope we can ring some minor as well.  It would be
helpful to work on plain hunting on 6 and then tackle Original Minor.  It is
plain hunt minor and 'do as you are told' when a call is made; all will be
explained on Tuesday for those who have not yet come across it.  Another
doubles method that we looked at a couple of weeks ago is Double Court and I
hope we can do some more work on it.  Please have a look at it if you have a
moment to spare.


Looking forward to Tuesday



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