[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Sunday quarter peals

ian ian at parksidesuri.com
Wed Jan 10 09:02:33 GMT 2024

Morning all!

Given that we are hosting the ADM meeting this Saturday, is there enough 
interest for a quarter peal the following day (14th Jan)?

Also, I have asked the churchwardens for a 1 hour slot from 2pm-3pm on 
the 2nd Sunday of each month (excluding November), viz
11th February
10th March
14th April
12th May
9th June
14th July
11th August
8th September
13th October
8th December

I'm not asking for you to sign up now, but it would be a good idea to 
put it in your diary, should you be interested in ringing quarter peals 
at Cherry Hinton

Best wishes


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