[r-t] Minor principles

Mark Davies mark at snowtiger.net
Tue Aug 17 21:53:47 UTC 2004

> Err - but aren't the musical qualities you are after lost when you
> start getting into extents?

Two answers:

1. I need to ring an extent to name it, so I can get the plain course into
the damned method libraries.

2. I'm presuming the extent is going to contain lots of wraps of reverse
rounds, Queens, etc. So yes, much more musical than your normal extent.

> Unless I'm missing something you would need the 1234 single _every_
> lead, and then some other calls elsewhere

Really? Can't we have a 1234 single every lead, but replaced with e.g. a
1236 bob every now and then to link blocks? Or am I missing something?
Feeling particularly stupid tonight. Come on CUG Minor Collection put me out
of my misery.

Alternative a 1440 has got to be easy, hasn't it?


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