[r-t] 40320 Spliced S Major (360 methods)

Alexander Holroyd holroyd at math.ubc.ca
Sat Sep 18 04:15:16 UTC 2004

This is the maximum methods possible with the "atw for half-leads"
property - the part consists of one half-lead of each method.  Some of the
methods have more hunt bells than working bells when rung with a 18 lead
end (these all become legal if rung with a 12 lead end).  I have a file of
the 360 methods and of the entire part written out if anyone is

The approach is a slight extension of the earlier one.  All above works
have treble bob in 1234, while all the below works have treble bob in
5678.  The method rung in each quarter lead is determined by the three
treble-bobbing bells.  The parity of the method is determined only by the
bells in 23 or 67, and interchanging these two bells gives a method of the
opposite parity, as before.  The rules for determining the method also
respect the 7-part structure.

40320 Spliced Surprise Major
X3rX H5p& B4aM X?nT Cvb$ ExsJ Wd5& BktZ JzqC Z9eH  8265437
S3lU Fn1N Q5eY Hm7& G3iI @4iN R1sN U4l$ D2l& M9bS  4368527
M?hL VpvM &8b& Le9Y MbvF Qk4I TvbO Qd8L XhzW Jc0D  7352846
RnxY MqxA Ta3Z J4aD P?qK W0nS GczR N5mD $7dV GlwN  4735826
UpvA #1c& M2a& B?qD P2aO R9dJ #tiJ #s0S MxhR E8dC  8674523
Z?qS B0cW I3rA #5pI #8bD Rvm& Gk4F QtiX B3aH Vs0&  2865743
Ld9C Wn1C Wq0K ZrwQ O9mP OhzA T3lW K3iQ E9m$ EevS  2856734
HwiB SatO U8d@ I2kV L5mE Re5U OxqT KlwO QszC Tm7I  2768453
TxsB V8eO RxsL VwrC #evP Fd9A @n1L Yiw# Ce9X Hb7@  8356472
AqzL XtkL &4kZ CxhQ Ea4W IkwJ ZxhY H8pB Sl4G Y?c$  8532764
F7mU D3rO Pb7K @p7U Fp5$ NzhA @c?T K?hC T2aK @0sX  3284756
Bc0F Q8pW I0q@ Ic1F $p7W Kb7G Y3lD P3aU DvpG V5eQ  5234786
Np7D Ub9P EtaP O5mM S?cN $wi# CnxH S7dR N4iL Xe8O  4728536
Rr2Z Ad5E PxnA Zev@ J5dN UczV Bl4V H9mS G2kX B7d#  3546278
I?nP Fl2K @1sY Lwl@ JktY HrtA Zsz@ J1sI Tb8N QzsG  5647382
Y2rT Kn0$ Dn0G &wkY LtiG S2lI #h1Q Eh1W J8pJ #zcV  4356278
G?hH V1hZ KvmO UwrM X2rE RtrP Eb9T Ae8$ NkwE $atH  7824536
XxqP Fc1A #k2B Vi3M YrtC WvmK Zi4$ Fq0U FzqR D?nM  7823456
7 part

360m, 112 changes each method, 2520 com, atw for half-leads
(ie each bell rings each half-lead of each method either forwards of

224 backstroke 87s

Methods (All half-leads and lead-ends rung 18)

Above works (1st quarter-lead)
A: -5-4-5-36
B: -5-4-5-3
C: -5-4-56-36
D: -5-4-56-3
E: -56-4-5-36
F: -56-4-5-3
G: -56-4-56-3
H: 56-5.4.5-5.36
I: 56-5.4.56-5.36
J: 56-5.4.5-56.3
K: 56-5.4.56-56.3
L: 56-56.4.5-5.36
M: 56-56.4.56-5.36
N: 56-56.4.5-56.3
O: 56-56.4.56-56.3
P: -5-4.5-5.36
Q: -5-4.56-5.36
R: -5-4.5-56.3
S: -5-4.56-56.3
T: -56-4.5-5.36
U: -56-4.56-5.36
V: -56-4.5-56.3
W: -56-4.56-56.3
X: 56-5.4-5-36
Y: 56-5.4-5-3
Z: 56-5.4-56-36
&: 56-5.4-56-3
#: 56-56.4-5-36
@: 56-56.4-5-3
$: 56-56.4-56-3

Below works (2nd quarter-lead)
a: -4-5-4-
b: -4-5-34-
c: -4-5-2-
d: -34-5-4-
e: -2-5-4-
h: 4-4.5.34-34
i: 4-34.5.4-34
k: 4-34.5.34-34
l: 4-2.5.4-34
m: 4-2.5.2-34
n: 4-2.5.34-34
p: 2-4.5.2-34
q: 2-4.5.34-34
r: 2-34.5.4-34
s: 2-2.5.4-34
t: -4-5.4-34
v: -4-5.34-34
w: -34-5.4-34
x: -2-5.4-34
z: 4-4.5-34-
0: 4-4.5-2-
1: 4-34.5-4-
2: 4-34.5-34-
3: 4-34.5-2-
4: 4-2.5-4-
5: 4-2.5-34-
7: 2-4.5-4-
8: 2-4.5-34-
9: 2-4.5-2-
?: 2-34.5-4-

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