[r-t] Little Bell Music

Graham John graham at changeringing.co.uk
Wed Sep 29 23:39:59 UTC 2004

The other thing to take into account is frequency and distribution of
musical sequences. The most satisfying methods have several similar musical
combinations in close proximity, then you come back later for some more of
the same. The classical music equivalent would be a movement with its
recurring theme.

I also think that the current popularity of little bell music is also due to
the recognition that you get many more of these music sequences per course.
For example, many traditional compositions of Maximus included a whole
course (i.e. over a tenth of a peal) just to get one extra 5-6 roll up, and
there are only 6 5-6 roll ups in the plain course. The waterfall course
(coursing order 24653) has 11 23456s, plus 3 further 3456s, plus their
reverses if you ring something like Yorkshire or Bristol. Furthermore, these
are in addition to the 7890ETs which you get anyway.

> Earis will have you believe that runs are everything and would, 
> allegedly, happily spend his day ringing the sequence 12345678,
> 23456781, 34567812, 45678123 &c. You'd probably need to meet him
> to even begin to understand why.

This is a bit unfair, since he advocates cyclic methods to enhance any
musical combination, not just rounds, and in particular the "magnificent
six" combinations generated by transpositions of Queens (i.e. Rounds,
Queens, Tittums and their reverses).


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