[r-t] Symmetry/plain methods
Philip Earis
pje24 at cantab.net
Fri Feb 18 23:32:42 UTC 2005
"Whilst on the subject why restrict oneself to surprise methods. What would
be a good standard 8 plain methods"
One thing I've wanted for a while is a peal composition containing methods
of several different symmetry types. I'd like to do this with plain major
methods, and include:
- conventional (palindromic) symmetry - ideally plain bob
- conventional double symmetry - ideally double norwich, though possibly
double bob, double coslany etc.
- glide symmetry - ideally double cambridge cyclic bob
- rotational symmetry - ideally anglia cyclic bob
and possibly additionally
- mirror symmetry, eg mirror bob
- asymmetry, eg eastern bob
Are you up for the compositional challenge? Ideally a 7 (or 8) part,
maxmised for runs. I'd love you to bits if you could come up with something
"I must say that I find Stedman the most boring method under the sun and
cannot understand why so many peals of it are rung - stand back and await
the torrent of abuse)"
Good old boy. Don't get me started on the subject. Blimey, it's not even
symmetric about a call being made (not being ironic here), and there has
never been a peal of it without relying on half-lead calls (hint hint Mr
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