[r-t] Other interesting half-lead effects: new methods on 8/10/12 bells

Philip Earis Earisp at rsc.org
Fri Jul 1 14:15:50 UTC 2005

London major has got a very appealing structure under the treble. Places
are made by all bells as soon as they pass the treble, putting them into
extended wrong plain hunting. I think the effect is spoiled in London
major by having 5ths made at the half-lead though - 7ths would be more
elegant in my opinion.  

Clearly London major with 7ths at the half-lead would have irregular
leadheads though, and not be an improvement. However, I thought it would
be interesting to examine different treble-dodging major methods with
this characteristic work (expressed in notation as -4.5.6-6.7) around
the half-lead.

I think there have only been five methods rung with this property (all
surprise), namely Pembroke, Skipton, Whitchurch, Woodston and Wroxton.
Whitchurch (&-3-4.5-2.3.4-4.5.6-6.7,2=d BDcd) is the most elegant.
Woodston (&-5-6-56-36.4-4.5.6-6.7,2=d Eace )is the oldest, dating from

Other methods like Whitchurch but packing in more music are possible,
such as the unrung &-3-4-56-6.34-4.5.6-6.7,2=d	BGac which has 39
<4-runs> in the plain course.

However, by varying the overwork a bit more some very interesting
musical effects are possible round the half-lead.

Look at these three new a-group methods, which have 38, 40 and 42
<4-runs> respectively:

&,2	 Bc
&-34.56.1-5-3.2-4.5.6-6.7,2	 BDcd
&-,2 BDNc

These methods are characterised by having the row 76543281 appearing at
the half-lead-head (here in the first lead).  By the neat nature of
these things, you also end up getting rows like 34567821, 24567813,
86543217 etc round the half-leads in other leads of the plain course.

I haven't seen anything like this before - perhaps RAS could trawl his
database to tell me how common this is.

Actually, when I say I haven't seen anything like this before it's not
entirely true.  I originally sent an email to the ringing-chat email
list on 7 April 2003 (at 7.17pm, so I might have been sober), exalting
two new treble-dodging royal methods that I'd come up with. Those two
methods both had exactly the same half-lead property, with crazy runs
all over the place, achieved with the same concept of notation round the
half-lead.  On ten bells you've the added bonus of having longer runs,
and more of them (eg 0876543219, 9076543281, 3256789041 and lots more).
You've also got much more of the 'traditional' coursing music under the
treble (23456s etc), and a more pronounced overwork.  They're definitely
worth having a look at:

&-3-4-2-3-,0 1648203957 B2D2N3c  115 <4-runs>
&-3-4-2-1-,2 1426385079 AB2D2N3c 113 <4-runs>

Nobody replied to that email (nothing new then). To extend the idea, you
can have easily insert your favourite overwork motif and retain the
mystical half-lead concept, eg with Bristol or Crumble over:

&3-5.4-5-,2	1089674523	AB2N3c 100
&-5-4.5-,0	1907856342	AB2N3c 101

Similarly the concept can be easily extended to 12+ bells, where you're
laughing all the way to the 4-run bank. Your music is like extended
Ariel in some ways. One example is:

&-5-4.5-5.38.4-70.8.9-9.70.6-8.9.0-0.E,T	108T6E492735 AB2ce 180

There are many, many others. I think these methods would be worth
ringing.  Clearly the effect becomes more pronounced (and less screwed
up by calls) on higher numbers.


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