[r-t] RE: Cambridge

Andrew Tibbetts ajwxyzt at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 15 11:03:30 UTC 2005

Cheers for this Graham, but we don't need statistics to realise that ringers 
make ringing what it really is: shit.


Although you may wish this to be the case Mark, the facts (from pealbase)
don't support your assertion. Cambridge is the most popular Maximus method
in tower and hand, although Bristol is close on its heels. On the other hand
Yorkshire seems to be dying - there hasn't been a handbell peal of it since
September 2003 and it is well behind both Cambridge and Bristol on

1985+  2004  Maximus on towerbells
1102     67  Cambridge
999     67  Bristol
828     37  Yorkshire

1985+  2004  Maximus on handbells
116      7  Cambridge
  92      2  Bristol
  29      0  Yorkshire


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