[r-t] Decisions

edward martin edward.w.martin at gmail.com
Mon Jun 19 20:57:56 UTC 2006

On 6/19/06, Philip Saddleton <pabs at cantab.net> wrote:

> edward martin said  on 19/06/2006 15:21:
> > They are elected to represent the ringing community. The question I
> > have is: does the elected rep actually represent or is he voicing his
> > own opinion irrespective of what his constituancy may want? This is a
> > problem long suffered by democratic government. The only alternatives
> > seem to be  tyranny or chaos
> They are representatives, not delegates. Though the CC membership as a
> whole is not representative of ringers as a whole - in age particularly.

"Delegate = a deputy or representative, with power to act for another"
"Representative = standing for, or in place of another or others"
There is a very subtle difference between the two; too subtle for me.
In either case I fail to see why any affiliated guild or association
needs more than one representative/delegate call it what you will.

> > Whether the rest of us decide to go along with these is entirely up to
> > us. Each affiliated society is *supposed* to go along with these
> > decisions but we have precedents to show that in fact while most do,
> > some don't
> >
> I don't think that there is anything in the Rules and Decisions of the
> Council that prevents societies ringing peals that do not comply the
> Decisions.

That's as maybe, but of the three Guilds of which I am proud to be a
member I read:
Ancient Society of College Youths:
"1.8 The Society shall be affiliated to the Central Council of Church
Bellringers and shall abide by its rules and decisions."

The Leicester Diocesan Guild:
"5. That the Guild be represented on the Central Council of Church
Bell Ringers and shall undertake to abide by the rules and Decisions
of the Council"

The North American Guild:
"2.5 (The Guild shall)  abide by the rules of the Central Council of
Church Bell Ringers."

Taking these as typical of all guilds & associations putatively
affiliated to the Central Council it would seem to me that ANY
performance claimed to have been rung for that affiliated association
is surely obliged to be in compliance with the current rules and
decisions of the Central Council

> The only relevant Decisions are
   etc etc

quite so.

> So providing we don't record it on a tablet we can ring what we like.

Yes, so long as we do not associate it with a *typical* society that
is understood to be affiliated to the Central Council and in being
admitted to that august company has promised to abide by its rules &


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