[r-t] Cambridge S Minor

Philip Saddleton pabs-ant at tiscali.co.uk
Tue Oct 3 17:39:06 UTC 2006

Graham John said  on 03/10/2006 09:05:
> James wrote:
>> "Go Cambridge" and you start afresh from the position at backstroke.
> I remember discussing this concept with Tony Cox for ringing spliced where
> the change of method can be at any backstroke, which Tony coined "New Start
> Spliced". It is, of course, not covered (allowed?) by the current decisions.
> Graham  
It is allowed but not Spliced, which has to have changes of method at 
the lead head and half-lead. However, it would appear that you cannot 
change to the same method, as that alters the length of the lead.


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