[r-t] Travelling Salesman Problem

King, Peter R peter.king at imperial.ac.uk
Wed Jan 24 15:02:04 UTC 2007

There are also all sorts of other algorithms for solving the travelling
salesman problem (and in fact for generic optimisation) such as
simulated annealing and genetic algorithms which are generally very
efficient for solving problems where the search space is very large and
the objective function is highly non-linear. I am pretty sure these
could also be used for generating compositions (for example) May be they
have. All you usually need is a good representation of the solution

	-----Original Message-----
	From: ringing-theory-bounces at bellringers.net
[mailto:ringing-theory-bounces at bellringers.net] On Behalf Of Philip
	Sent: 24 January 2007 14:45
	To: ringing-theory at bellringers.net
	Subject: [r-t] Travelling Salesman Problem

	A new paper has just appeared online on the webpage of the
journal PNAS (Proceedings on the National Academy of Sciences) entitled
"Fast marching methods for the continuous traveling salesman problem".
PNAS is probably the most prestigious general scientific journal after
Nature and Science.


	The short paper can be read at:
www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/104/4/1118 (the DOI is
10.1073/pnas.0609910104).  It should also be freely available on the
author's website
.html) though the link seems broken at the moment.


	Is there any new application to ringing, I wonder?  Perhaps RAS,
Martin, Ander etc. could give their view...




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