[r-t] Proposed definition of a peal (Dons 10 Rules)

List01 list01 at shropshirelad.idps.co.uk
Tue Aug 5 21:32:51 UTC 2008

Don Morrison gave 10 rules for the definition of a peal. This seem good
basis to me. I did spotted a couple of items I think need polishing. These
are given below.

Item 3
Don's version

3) Between some or all of the rows of a piece of change ringing the
   order of many of the bells will change. The number of bells that
   are changing between some of the rows is called the stage. It is
   an integer greater than or equal to 2, but less than or equal to
   the total number of bells being rung. Traditionally these stages
   are given names; for example the 6 bell stage is referred to as

I think the second sentence is ambiguous and should be changed to:

"The total number of bells that change position between rows is called the

Item 7
Don's version

7) A piece of change ringing, if all of one stage S, is called true is
   there is a non-negative integer N such that each of the rows in the
   extent at stage S occurs at least N times and no more than (N + 1)

I'm being a bit pedantic but the second "is" should be "if". So Item 7

"A piece of change ringing, if all of one stage S, is called true if
 there is a non-negative integer N such that each of the rows in the
 extent at stage S occurs at least N times and no more than (N + 1)

Chris Adams

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