[r-t] Fwd: FW: Proposed definition of a peal

Iain Anderson iain.anderson at talentinnovations.co.uk
Wed Aug 6 16:37:06 UTC 2008

Ted Steele wrote:

->  Don Morrison wrote:
->  >
->  > I think we may need to tighten this definition up a little bit for 
->  > things like Spliced Bristol Maximus and Stedman Cinques, which I am 
->  > interpreting to be a piece of change ringing of multiple stages.  
->  > ....... In this case we really need to define the Stedman as a maximus
->  > method and have the cover bell as part of the method ...!
->  There is surely no need to. Is it not sufficient to say that "For the
->  of determining the truth of compositions of mixed odd and even bell
->  every row shall be considered in its entirety, that is including any
->  bells and no such row shall be repeated?"

Not quite because that would prevent a band ringing five 720s of minor and
twelve 120s of doubles, which is allowed currently.

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