[r-t] Candidate definition #10

Don Morrison dfm at ringing.org
Tue Aug 12 23:32:07 UTC 2008

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 7:24 PM, Mark Davies <mark at snowtiger.net> wrote:
> 3. It is also too lax. I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by "all
> blocks", but if you really do mean every set of blocks which could make up
> the touch, then every touch is false; so I presume you mean the composer
> gets to choose what the blocks are. Presumably then at any point I can
> introduce two rows, say
>   1234567
>   1235467
> and say that's a true and complete extent on 2 bells? I could do that quite
> a lot in a 7-bell peal and end up with all sorts of rubbish!

But Pandora's already been there. As soon as we allow five covers we
could have a peal that's 100% dodging. That it's stirred with
some triples doesn't make it any worse, and if it's no longer than
5040 at least it's got to be structured so it's true.

Don Morrison <dfm at ringing.org>
"An empty pageant; a stage play; flocks of sheep, herds of
cattle; a brawl of spearmen; a bone flung among a pack of dogs; a
crumb tossed into a pond of fish; ants loaded and laboring; mice,
scared and scampering; puppets, jerking on their strings - that
is life. In the midst of it all you must take your stand,
good-temperedly and without disdain."  -- Marcus Aurelius, _Meditations_

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