[r-t] Methods [was Grandsire/New Grandsire, etc]

Leigh Simpson lists at simpleigh.com
Mon Jul 21 09:04:03 UTC 2008

> 1. The whole historical backbone of changeringing, and the reason for the
> development of methods and composition as we know them, is founded on the
> idea of changing bells moving not more than one place. Often, innovation
> thrives within a framework, and this is undoubtedly a good framework

Well, in a sense the historical backbone of changeringing is a development
from ringing rounds towards changing the speed of the bell and swapping
bells over. It's not far-fetched to suggest that the continuation of this
development will lead to bells moving more than one place.

> I would catalogue as best as I could, looking initially to the originators
> for their ideas about classification. Description and catalogue, that'd be
> my job. Not prescription and omission, as we have now.

It does seem a disappointment that new things do not appear to be classified
and recorded in a transparent way, but simply discarded.


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