[r-t] q-sets

Mark Davies mark at snowtiger.net
Wed Jul 30 21:17:10 UTC 2008

Philip writes,

> However, for a rough-and-ready everyday use version, a q-set is a set of
> calls affecting the same bells.

The important thing being, it's a fixed set of call types - usually in fact
the same call - for the whole set.

Consider calls at Home on bells 2,3,4. For a seconds-place method, we have
the following in-course handstrokes and backstrokes:

handstrokes    backstrokes
1243               1234
1324               1343
1432               1423

Suppose you bob the first handstroke, 1243: the backstroke is then 1423.
That immediately means that you can't (in a true touch) have a plain lead at
handstroke 1432. So 1432 must be bobbed too, giving backstroke 1342. By the
same logic, handstroke 1324 must be bobbed to give 1234.

If you start off with a plain, this argument also leads to a similar
conclusion: all members of the q-set must be plained. The only way you can
have one bobbed and one plained is if you don't ring the other handstroke
and backstroke.

With more types of calls, there are more varied q-sets. For example, -S-S or
S--S-- form q-sets. But it's a fixed pattern of calls; once you've chosen
the call for one member of the set, the rest is pretty much set in stone.


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