[r-t] Treble paths

Graham John graham at changeringing.co.uk
Sun Sep 14 23:10:37 UTC 2008

I like this one where the treble does 8 blows in each place (double the
length of a treble-bob method).


12112343432123454567876565678878  (pn xx8x8xxxx8xx8x888x8xx8xxxx8x8xx8).




From: ringing-theory-bounces at bellringers.net
[mailto:ringing-theory-bounces at bellringers.net] On Behalf Of Philip Earis
Sent: 14 September 2008 4:13 PM
To: ringing theory
Subject: [r-t] Treble paths


Most methods are treble-dominated, with (palindromic) symmetric paths.
Indeed, if you want a treble-path where the treble rings twice in each
position (and there are no jump changes) you only have one option - plain


How many different conventionally symmetric treble-paths are there on 8
bells where the treble rings 4 times in each place?


Here are some possibilities:


1212343456567878 (treble-dodging)

1234567887654321 (two lots of plain hunt)




Of course, you can replace a dodge with "kent places", and indeed replace
the treble bob at the back with three places (eg Percy's Tea Strainer TP)


Are there other interesting treble path examples though?


Perhaps you need to remove the requirement for conventional symmetry. This
would give eg the neat glide symmetric



What else?


And how about treble paths where the treble rings 3, or 5, or 6 times in
each place in a lead?


Lots of questions.

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