[r-t] Compositions of the Decade: Part 4 - Triples

Richard Grimmett richard at grimmett.org
Wed Dec 9 11:47:41 UTC 2009

Philip Earis wrote:
> Thanks for the changes Richard and PABS - I'll make a few corrections in the Wikipedia article.
> Regarding the Rod Pipe 10080 (well done on ringing this!) and to a lesser extent the quick six triples, I still think there's a case for including something if it has not previously been published. I didn't know the quick six history - hopefully the article might at least push somebody to finally ring it.
> Anyway, it's now major time (something I'm a bit more familiar and comfortable with)...

The RWP 10080 has sort of been published before.  His 5040 7 part No 1 
was published yonks ago.

The 10,080 consists of the No1, and its exact reversal.  A part of the 
original is joined to a part of the reversal by a pair of singles.  By 
joining a part with its reversal you would end up in rounds at the end 
rather than at a cyclic part-end.  But by omitting a pair of sixes with 
their associated calls (sps) in the reversal the partends are shifted 
and a full 7 part is realised.  Plainly losing 2 sixes per part is not 
desirable!! - so in one part alone you single in at the same point an 
entire plain course (the 7 lots of 2 sixes otherwise missed out).


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