[r-t] Muppet Show S Major

Stephen Beckingham bex280 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 5 11:04:34 GMT 2009

Yes, but there were 14 5-bell runs and 2 6-bell runs IN ADDITION to the 25 4-bell runs in Muppet Show, totalling 41 (this includes runs that include the treble)


I'd come to the same conclusion about the -36 start and had been playing around with it this morning.

The unrung Surprise method -36-4- scores 48 4-bell runs in the same course (4 of each in each direction, front & back), but no runs of 5 or more.




> Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 10:32:31 +0000
> From: ar5597 at bristol.ac.uk
> To: ringing-theory at bellringers.net
> Subject: Re: [r-t] Muppet Show S Major
> According to my calculations you get 32 4-bell (7 more than is claimed 
> in Muppet Show) runs in that course in Superlative: 2 each 5678 forwards 
> backward front and back and all rotations thereof.
> Getting runs out of that course in a regular method essentially amounts 
> to maximising for example 6478's/3578's or reveres thereof, in the plain 
> course. i.e. a coursing pair together on the back, one of that pairs 
> other course bells in 5ths when it's course bells in 8ths, and it's 
> other course bell with it in 5-6. Starting -36 or 36- throws you into 
> this position straight away hence why Superlative does rather well, 
> ofcourse being a double method the runs get mapped to front too.
> An interesting question is what is the maximum amount of this position 
> that can be achieved in a "normal" (ie treble dodges once in each 
> position, no more than 2 blows in 1 place, regular, but don't care about 
> 7-8's in pn or single changes) treble doding major method. A course of 
> 45362 (course head that is, 65432 in terms of C.O) of such a method will 
> probably achieve more 4-bell runs in a course than is possible in a 
> single course of any other regular method.
> Cheers,
> Alan

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