[r-t] Spliced Courses

Robin Woolley robin at robinw.org.uk
Fri Mar 13 08:36:33 GMT 2009

It is possible to obtain a spliced course of seconds place methods which 
include every plain course lead head and end. In the case of Major, there 
are 714 possible courses which, after removal of reversals and rotations, 
comes to (I think) 72 distinct cases. An example of this appears in the 
current diary at p64 - PLLPLSL or, in lead-head code, AEEAEFE.

It is, of course, easy to re-write this for 8ths place methods and there are 
a similar number.

It is possible, in certain cases, to include an 8ths place method as a 
bob-lead and such an example is DFCFCAK where K is, of course, DNCB. (I 
think it would be cheating to use a 4ths place bob in any of these.)

Is it possible to generate any 'mixed' *plain* courses, i.e., including 2nd 
and 8ths place methods without using any calls? (I don't think so, but would 
be glad of a proof if any - especially a counter example.)

Here's an example of a clean plain course using all of the 2nds place plain 
methods in the diary at pp59-61: ACAEFDA or PGPLSAP - there are 5 more 
rotations/reversals of this course which are cps also. One for the 2nds 
place surprise methods (pp 66-74) might be  BBFCFCF

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