[r-t] Alan Reading cyclic major composition

Philip Earis Earisp at rsc.org
Tue Mar 2 09:39:52 UTC 2010

It's interesting to see that Alan Reading has rung a neat, refined version of his cyclic 7-part palindromic major composition containing all 96 of the "run-rows" of each type: <http://www.campanophile.com/view.aspx?97729>

Such a musically-loaded composition is the product of very clever design - compliments to the composer.

The new composition is on Alan's website (http://www.simonreading.dsl.pipex.com/splicedmajcomp.htm), and reproduced below.

5088 Spliced Surprise Major (9 methods)
  A G Reading
  2345678 Edmundsbury
  3527486 Ytterbium
  6482735 Shorrock
  5738264 Shorrock
  4263857 Ytterbium
  7856342 Edmundsbury
[-7864523 Norfolk
  3526478 Bouchavesnes
  8472635 Wild Hare
  5637284 Micklegate Bar
  2345867 Dunster
 -6784523 Dunster
  3528467 Bouchavesnes
  7462835 Wild Hare
  5836274 Micklegate Bar
  2345786 Dunster
-]8674523 Snowdrift
 -6457823 Dunster
  3825764 Bouchavesnes
  4762538 Wild Hare
  8536247 Micklegate Bar
  2378456 Dunster
 -5647823 Dunster
  3824756 Bouchavesnes
  6752438 Wild Hare
  8435267 Bouchavesnes
  7263584 Norfolk

  7 part. Omit bracketed calls and associated methods from
  parts 3,4 & 7.

  1056 Dunster; 928 Bouchavesnes; 704 Wild Hare; 480 Micklegate Bar;
  448 each Edmundsbury, Shorrock, Ytterbium; 352 Norfolk;
  224 Snowdrift; 140 com, atw.

The composition avoids the slightly "sledgehammer" singled in consecutive leads of mx methods that were present in the previous incarnation. Here, there's a palindromic structure used that interestingly pivots around the irregular Bristol-over method Snowdrift.

At a quick look the method balance feels much better than the previous composition also.  Whilst just over a third of the peal is still in Bristol-over methods, more variety is provided with the classic double method Norfolk, as well as some Uxbridge-over focus in Ytterbium, and the similar Shorrock / Wild Hare combo.

Can this be shortened to a perfect 7-part, without some parts being longer than others?  How about removing the straight-jacket of just sticking to surprise methods?  It would be good to see further steps taken down this path.


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