[r-t] 23-spliced treble dodging major redux

Don Morrison dfm at ringing.org
Mon May 17 02:30:56 UTC 2010

On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Don Morrison <dfm at ringing.org> wrote:
> On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Philip Earis <pje24 at cantab.net> wrote:
>> Was this product of simply(!) searching through all 23! arrangements of
>> methods? If so, did you cover the whole search space, how long did it
>> take, and how many compositions did you find? How many more methods could
>> be added before running out of computing resources?  And any chance of an
>> 8-part composition?! Lots of questions.
> Sort of a random search. Set up to try depth first for an hour, and
> then randomly rearrange the orders of all the nodes in the graph, and
> start again.

I had assumed that a complete search of this space was intractable.
Certainly my experience with ordinary cyclic 7 parts of 23-spliced is
that if you allow any in course, tenors parted leads a full search is
intractable, at least with the technology currently available to me*.

However, on further reflection, I see that this is a much simpler
search space. The branching factor at each node in the tree is half
what it is in a normal such composition, since you never have the
option of bob versus plain: all lead ends in this scheme with randomly
generated methods are plain leads.

With some further investigation I see that it is just at the edge of
what is practical with my current software on current hardware. I
allowed such a search to run to completion, and it required just over
15 days, visiting just under 14 billion nodes†. Faster hardware, or
rejiggering the algorithm to allow it run well on an even moderate
size parallel architecture, which could be very loosely coupled, would
bring this down to something perfectly reasonable for routine use.

The end result produced 55 different compositions. They are appended
to this message. I have appended the note "[best?]" to that which has
the most total 4 bell rollups at the back and front, as that seems
likely to be the metric many folks interested in ringing such a thing
might apply in deciding with is the most attractive arrangement.

I believe these are the only 55 possible true arrangements of these 23
methods with cyclic part heads. However, there may be bugs in my code
causing some to be missed. I'm unaware of any evidence that such bugs
exist, but the aggressive pruning I'm doing certainly provides plenty
of opportunities for me to make programming or logical errors.

I have separately proved each of them, however, and have high
confidence that they are all true. If anyone would like to see them
with the lead heads written out, too, they are all available at
http://ringing.org/random-spliced.html. That seems to voluminous a
presentation even for me to include in an email message, however.

I don't think I've seen this next point mentioned before in the
correspondence, expect perhaps implicitly in Philip's description of
how he generated the methods. Though I doubt those interested in such
a thing will be bothered by it. A peal rung in these twenty-three
methods presumably will be cited as "non-complying" in the Central
Council's analysis of peals, as many (all? I've not carefully checked)
of the methods contain more than four consecutive blows in one place.

* By "technology currently available to me" I'm not principally
  thinking of hardware. I think the exponential growth in size of such
  a search is such that even a few decades of Moore's Law is unlikely
  to make a dent in the problem for a normal cyclic 7 part, as opposed
  to the much simpler one involving methods with non-Plain Bob lead
  heads and no calls. However, it seems plausible that improved
  algorithms might sufficiently prune the search space to make the
  search for a normal peal tractable. Though I have no ideas for such
  improvements myself right now.

† MBD will I suspect be horrified at something as slow as just under
   11K nodes per second. I believe this is the cost of sufficiently
   aggressive pruning of the search to bring it down to just having to
   explore 14 billion nodes, however. I wonder how a less aggressively
   pruned, but faster, search would fare?

A Major = 567.
B Major = 347.345.
C Major = 34.36.567.1x27.
D Major = 56.345.34567.4.2.7x236.
E Major = 3456.7.345.
F Major = 3.56.34567.6x567.5.3.347.4.2347.345.
G Major = 345.567.
H Major = 34567.567x4567.
I Major = 3x3456.4567.
J Major = 34.7.34567.45x567.
K Major = 3456x567.
L Major = 3.3456.345.1x25.567.2367.2x34.25.23456.
M Major = x36.34567.
N Major = 56.345.34567.4567.
O Major = 3456.5.3456.
P Major = x36.345.456.7.5.567.
Q Major = 36.345.347.
R Major = 34567.5.347.
S Major = 347x345.4.2567.
T Major = 7x36.4567.
U Major =
V Major = 3.5.34567.4.56.2567.
W Major = 567.36.3456.

BTIR GJUMVWSDQK EFLPCAHNO 4 56s 0 5678fs 6 8765s 4 8765fs 7 65s
COKJABMUSFLIHDRWVGNTEQ P 2 56s 8 5678fs 1 8765s 4 8765fs 0 65s
CSMAHJPWGRNILQUVF TDEOBK 3 56s 1 5678fs 5 8765s 2 8765fs 5 65s
DGFWEMBSKC NJ ULTPROQA HVI 4 56s 1 5678fs 5 8765s 3 8765fs 2 65s
DH PEK BAFVISLRNUC JGQ WO TM 4 56s 2 5678fs 9 8765s 4 8765fs 3 65s
DILKS OHWMVACJFT QBUNERP G 7 56s 3 5678fs 2 8765s 2 8765fs 4 65s
DISUO TLKAFGMER HJ QCBPN WV 4 56s 7 5678fs 5 8765s 2 8765fs 3 65s
DMPLEW IJQCBNR FVU HKS ATO G 4 56s 3 5678fs 7 8765s 3 8765fs 4 65s
DQLKJF UGTARSHIC OBMWEPNV 1 56s 2 5678fs 1 8765s 4 8765fs 0 65s
ETFIWUBQGMHNRJAVDP SKLCO 3 56s 2 5678fs 3 8765s 5 8765fs 3 65s
EWGDC BUJ AVQLRTOM PFI SHNK 2 56s 3 5678fs 3 8765s 0 8765fs 1 65s
FTJSNVO QMCLE HPUBRKIA GWD 3 56s 4 5678fs 5 8765s 4 8765fs 2 65s
HDURFVSMQWTGJONALPIBEKC 11 56s 5 5678fs 6 8765s 3 8765fs 6 65s
 (16782345)   [best?]
HNLKSR JQEWCIV GMOAPUBFDT 6 56s 3 5678fs 3 8765s 3 8765fs 4 65s
IF APGES KHWUMCVRNDJT OBQ L 4 56s 3 5678fs 3 8765s 4 8765fs 2 65s
IRKOESJ ULBAH MTGWP DCNVFQ 4 56s 5 5678fs 1 8765s 2 8765fs 2 65s
IWSTCRFO KUPGMDLBEH VNJQ A 9 56s 1 5678fs 4 8765s 3 8765fs 6 65s
JISEOABWKQVFDLTMNPHU GCR 5 56s 2 5678fs 1 8765s 4 8765fs 5 65s
JQRVBD KO NI SHWLFT EM AGC PU 9 56s 1 5678fs 3 8765s 4 8765fs 5 65s
KAMEHWVSLBDIFU JNG OP QRTC 3 56s 1 5678fs 2 8765s 4 8765fs 4 65s
KVAHPC NI WSMJDBU RTLGQOEF 3 56s 1 5678fs 3 8765s 3 8765fs 2 65s
KVQNAC DRE PIFW TOSLHMJ GUB 3 56s 4 5678fs 0 8765s 1 8765fs 5 65s
LGNCAFMSEBQOPHURVKTDIWJ 2 56s 2 5678fs 5 8765s 1 8765fs 2 65s
LK RDEFAGQU ON CITPSBW VMH J 3 56s 1 5678fs 4 8765s 1 8765fs 3 65s
LQAIC PEFSKUGDVB RM TJN OW H 6 56s 1 5678fs 3 8765s 1 8765fs 6 65s
LTJ EQAVU BWHOGDKPFMCISNR 4 56s 0 5678fs 4 8765s 1 8765fs 1 65s
LTO ABFWSJ IDQ GUVRMPH NEKC 5 56s 2 5678fs 5 8765s 6 8765fs 2 65s
MCKLIAP NTOJSRVFW GHEDBU Q 4 56s 1 5678fs 8 8765s 1 8765fs 2 65s
MFTWNALKBRHODG EUJC VISPQ 2 56s 3 5678fs 1 8765s 0 8765fs 1 65s
NSLHMUOJDQKVETAC PB IRGF W 5 56s 7 5678fs 3 8765s 4 8765fs 3 65s
OKTVB SPLQJ DWMAI HCG EFURN 7 56s 3 5678fs 2 8765s 4 8765fs 6 65s
PEJFI QW UVMOBKTLRSCAHGDN 4 56s 2 5678fs 3 8765s 2 8765fs 2 65s
RFGOMPJEU WLVDNTKQSBIAH C 5 56s 1 5678fs 2 8765s 4 8765fs 2 65s
RGNEMPH VSO JIUQCW LFABD TK 4 56s 0 5678fs 1 8765s 5 8765fs 2 65s
RLH IGDJMQC WAF VKOUSP EBNT 3 56s 3 5678fs 7 8765s 3 8765fs 5 65s
RO BNWV HLCK IPSDQUEJF AMTG 7 56s 1 5678fs 1 8765s 2 8765fs 5 65s
RTAQMFGCVWBOSLHKE UPIJ ND 6 56s 5 5678fs 2 8765s 0 8765fs 4 65s
RVCUQDFK IMLPSNB GJA TOWHE 3 56s 6 5678fs 3 8765s 3 8765fs 2 65s
SAFPGTOWVRUK BQLHJEMNCI D 5 56s 4 5678fs 5 8765s 4 8765fs 2 65s
SEJFUB TGNKHQA CV LR OW MPDI 2 56s 5 5678fs 3 8765s 2 8765fs 4 65s
SIR GQKBDJA PMLEFTWHNOCVU 4 56s 5 5678fs 1 8765s 5 8765fs 4 65s
SJLIBND GV QRKUCO TFPWMAHE 4 56s 5 5678fs 0 8765s 3 8765fs 3 65s
SRG MD UTPNWCJHKBI AVLQ OEF 2 56s 2 5678fs 6 8765s 1 8765fs 2 65s
SRTJO UQA LENFICG WPBDM HKV 3 56s 3 5678fs 0 8765s 1 8765fs 4 65s
TUSOHA PKQECMJBG NLIW RVFD 2 56s 1 5678fs 0 8765s 2 8765fs 1 65s
TVGLHPEKFAB MU NI JODQSWCR 6 56s 3 5678fs 2 8765s 0 8765fs 3 65s
UEJRNKDMACOWL IF PB GQSVTH 2 56s 1 5678fs 3 8765s 1 8765fs 6 65s
UMCVRND JTO BQLIFAPG ESKHW 5 56s 2 5678fs 3 8765s 4 8765fs 4 65s
UMVWS DQKEFLPCA HNOBTI RGJ 4 56s 3 5678fs 4 8765s 3 8765fs 3 65s
UPLVDKJEOSAT HGFN IQBCRMW 6 56s 2 5678fs 6 8765s 4 8765fs 4 65s
VE BJI CWKLT ORMDUSPG HNQA F 4 56s 4 5678fs 4 8765s 2 8765fs 3 65s
VOU EJ FIQRHWLKNTS BMPAGD C 6 56s 4 5678fs 0 8765s 8 8765fs 0 65s
WCUDNGLEOA BJRMVK FSTP HI Q 5 56s 2 5678fs 4 8765s 2 8765fs 3 65s
WLKC FVERHJS DIUTOABNPQ GM 5 56s 2 5678fs 1 8765s 2 8765fs 3 65s
WUKAVSGIFTHCLQ MJNPDOBER 5 56s 2 5678fs 3 8765s 5 8765fs 3 65s

Don Morrison <dfm at ringing.org>
'The chief gift of nature, he said (never having starved),
is liberty.'            -- Will Durant, _The Renaissance_

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