[r-t] 147 TDMM

Richard Smith richard at ex-parrot.com
Thu Sep 30 03:14:33 UTC 2010

Alexander Holroyd wrote:

> Fascinating!  Still some work to do to understand all this...

Indeed, but probably less than it seems.  For example, 
components 1-194 are all basically the same -- some sort of 
compound splice between Lo, We, Cx and Bn.

> I assume "simple cluster" = containing a single-method extent?


> I would like to see, for each cluster, the list of simple splices it 
> involves.  I.e. a list of all values of (method X, method Y, # of leads 
> changed) for edges in the cluster.  (If you want to get fancy you could try 
> to omit "implied edges" - e.g. if you already know there is a 6-lead splice 
> of Cm-Bv, don't mention the resulting 12- 18- and 24- lead splices; but we 
> can probably still cope if they are included).

The following gives all of the vertices (plans) and edges 
(simple splices between plans), including 'implied edges':


It's in graphviz format, but you should find it easy enough 
to parse.  Unsurprisingly, it's far too complex a graph for 
graphviz to anything sensible with!


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