[r-t] 41 Surprise Minor
John Warboys
john.warboys at lineone.net
Wed Mar 23 19:29:06 UTC 2011
A recent peal of 37 Surprise Minor conducted by Peter Ellis had the footnote
"The most Regular Surprise Minor yet rung in a bobs-only peal", this
prompted me to see if I could squeeze any more methods into a normal peal
length with bobs only, it isn't something I've considered before.
Looking through work I've done previously on complementary grids, I found
one particular one that looked promising, the following two grids can be
combined into a 1440 as together they contain each grid position twice (in
this example the 6th is the grid bell):
Grid 1
23456 Lightfoot
56342 Allendale
64523 Allendale
42635 Lightfoot
35264 Bamborough
Grid 2 (fragmented)
23456 York
35264 Beverley
64523 Beverley
56342 Cambridge
42635 Bourne
These 2 grids also have London/Carlisle equivalents:
Grid 1
23456 London
42635 Kelso
56342 London
35264 Coldstream
64523 Coldstream
Grid 2 (fragmented)
23456 Carlisle
35264 Sandiacre
42635 Alnwick
56342 Chester
64523 Chester
Looking at the Norwich/Cambridge grids first, the "missing" methods are
Ipswich, Durham, Wearmouth, Norwich, Warkworth and Netherseale. Durham and
Wearmouth can easily be added using 3-lead splices on the leads of York and
Lightfoot. Adding in a extent of Ipswich, Cambridge and Bourne gives you
the missing Ipswich. For Norwich, Warkworth and Netherseale there is an
extent by Andrew Tyler consisting of Norwich, Warkworth, Sutton and
Rossendale; the 5-6 sections of the leads of Sutton can be swapped with
leads of Cambridge from the Ipswich/Cambridge/Bourne extent giving you leads
of Bedford and Surfleet instead, the leads of Bedford can then be converted
to Annable's London as a simple 3-lead splice.
So now you've got all the Norwich and Cambridge methods you need in 4
extents, they just need to be arranged so that a plain lead of each method
is included.
Next the London/Carlisle grids, the "missing" methods this time are
Northumberland, Newcastle, Wells and Cunecastre. Newcastle and Wells can
easily be added using 3-lead splices on the leads of Alnwick and London.
Adding in an extent of Northumberland and Carlisle gives you the missing
Northumberland; it also gives you the opportunity to convert leads of
Carlisle to Cunecastre via a simple 3-lead splice.
So now you've got all the Carlisle and London methods you need in 3 extents,
they just need to be arranged so that a plain lead of each method is
Some examples of compositions of 2880 in 24 methods, and 2160 in 17 methods,
can be found on my website http://website.lineone.net/~jswcomps/ .
So now we can ring the standard 41 in a normal peal length using only bobs,
to the best of my knowledge all previous compositions of the standard 41 in
5040 changes or fewer have required singles.
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