[r-t] The null change

Ted Steele teds.bells at tesco.net
Tue Dec 30 23:09:51 UTC 2014

On 30/12/2014 17:36, Don Morrison wrote:
> This would allow ringing things in whole pulls. There's a bit of
> historical baggage we're carrying around where we deprecate this. But
> really, if folks +want+ to ring things in whole pulls who are we to
> tell them they can't and refuse to describe and record what it is they
> do? In fact, I'd have a good deal of respect for them: I'm pretty sure
> ringing a well struck extent of Cambridge Minor in whole pulls is
> harder and requires more concentration (and possibly even bell
> control) than ringing it the usual way

I considered this recently in the possible context of a future (clearly 
not so very far removed future) event of a royal funeral; although I 
can't imagine what caused me to do so. Half-muffled ringing sounds 
wonderful and whole-pull changes rung half-muffled are certainly a bit 
special. If a half-muffled whole pull peal was rung at the Abbey for an 
occasion such as that mentioned would anyone wish to deny that it was a 
legitimate peal? Circumstances can have a large bearing upon how people 
regard things and what would be frowned upon in a village tower might be 
differently perceived in the national spotlight. Just a thought. I 
believe however that ringing a current method in whole pulls is a very 
different issue than recognising methods that employ the null change. 
They are really not the same thing at all.


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