[r-t] Rebel Alliance Maximus

Adam Brady www.adambrady at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 17:29:47 UTC 2014

It's always interesting to read your insights, Philip.  You're certainly
not alone in being unconvinced by the music of the method.

I came up with the method quite a while ago, I think before I'd even rung a
peal on 12, when I knew even less about such things than I do now.  I've
always found double methods appealing and am particularly fond of methods
which avoid contiguous places.

The basic concept of the method was to get to the orion "roll-up" (567890TE
at hand) starting with the places being made in 10ths rather than in 6ths,
i.e. 50.9x8.7x6... instead of (3)6x7.8x9.50... just to see what happened.
This results is bells not always meeting their course bells at the back,
and some unusual combinations such as 680T. Some may not consider this
musical, especially as it's only a 4-bell combination on 12 bells.  The
aforementioned places are then made in the reverse order so the bells are
basically in plain bob coursing at the quarter lead.

So, I ended up with a method which wasn't necessarily designed to be
tricky, but which I think has an attractive grid, and which I hoped would
flow quite nicely.  In a way, once the band got more confident in the
method, it did flow well, because the bells never stray very far from the
coursing order even though you're only exactly in plain bob coursing order
at the lead end and half lead.

It is, by the way, quite possible to produce a double method with no
contiguous places which produces the Orion "roll-up" and in which bells
only meet their course bells on the treble at the back/front.  However, I
don't think you can achieve this with a treble-dodging method.  Something
like this
appeal to more people, as it has less of the unusual stuff.

I'd still quite like to ring the method in mega tittums.  The tittums music
should come up quite well as the coursing is reasonably good, and you get a
few 4-bell runs.  Nothing revolutionary, but probably quite fun to ring.
 We had a flavour of the tittums in the peal by having the 65432 c.o., but
Alan and I agreed that going much further would be too ambitious for the
method's first outing.

As for the peal, it was a fantastic effort.  Everyone had learned the
method extremely well (which was vital) so once we had got through the
first course the little mistakes were dealt with quickly and we had patches
of really confident, nice-sounding ringing.

It has been an ambition of mine to ring the method since I devised it, so I
feel very fortunate that I was able to find a band of such good ringers who
were willing to learn and ring it so well.


(My email address iswww.adambrady at gmail.comnotadambrady@gmail.com)
On 21 Jul 2014 11:00, "Philip Earis" <pje24 at cantab.net> wrote:

> I see a peal of a new Adam Brady method, "Rebel Alliance Maximus" was rung
> at the weekend and is proving relatively popular on BellBoard
> (http://www.bb.ringingworld.co.uk/view.php?id=342435).
> The method is double and k-group (4-pivot), with 64 changes per lead. The
> treble skates through the the middle, spending longer at the front and
> back with hunting to points in 1,4 and 9,T:
> &50.9x8.7x6x7.8x9.50.36x30x70.38.4x5.6x7x6.5x4.38.1, 1
> It's good to see new double methods, as well as thinking beyond the
> constraints of well-worn treble paths.  The Rebel Alliance "blue line" is
> certainly rather fiendishly fiddly (other than the stability in 1-2 and
> E-T). I'm sure it took a fair bit of concentration to ring, so credit to
> the band.  Using 10ths-place bobs, with the minimal disruption they
> involve, was a sensible choice.
> Musically, I'm rather non-plussed. Music and blue-line complexity are not
> always comfortable bedfellows. Other than the regular half-leads and
> lead-ends there aren't any runs longer than 7 bells, with an additional
> sprinkling of rigel-over music like 7890TEs.  If the lack of music was
> intentional to increase ringing complexity, it would be possible to jack
> this up even more so.
> ===
> 5175 Rebel Alliance Maximus
> Composed by A G Reading
> 2  6  9  E 23456
> -  -  -    45362
>       -    56342
>       -    64352
>    s       24356
> s        - 23456789ET0
>          - 23456789T0E
>          s 234567890TE
> s         (243567890TE)
> 10ths place calls.
> Round at the treble?s handstroke point lead 119 rows after the last call.
> 57 little bell rollups at the back.
> 51 little bell rollups off the front.
> ===
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(My email address is www.adambrady at gmail.com not adambrady at gmail.com)

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