[r-t] A New Hope

John Camp camp at bellringers.org
Thu May 29 17:28:15 UTC 2014

At 18:16 on 29 May 2014, Philip Earis wrote:

> Don:

>> Why does the Council, or any ground rules it sets for its own
>> behaviour, have to mention things like "worth" or "worthless" at all?
>> Its job should just be to support what ringers choose to do, with no
>> value judgements.

> I couldn't agree more!

I also agree (FWIW) that the CC shouldn't be in the business of making
value judgements, but you can have rules without making value
judgements..  There is a danger of throwing out the baby with the
bathwater.  Are Don and Philip really saying that the concept of a
peal should be what anyone wants it to be?  There must surely be some
constraints (length, instruments used, non-repetition).  And there is
an inherent assumption that we are talking about change-ringing.  So
what's that?


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