[r-t] What IS a rotation of a method?

Don Morrison dfm at ringing.org
Sat Oct 18 14:38:07 UTC 2014

Several people this morning have brought up different starts to
Stedman as examples of rotations. But no one has commented on the
following. Is there not some significant difference between simply
starting in a different place, and a more meaningful rotation of a

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Don Morrison <dfm at ringing.org> wrote:
> There's also a difference between starting in an unusual place (as
> is frequently done with Stedman, as well as snap starts in
> surprise), and "really" rotating a method. I suspect, but am far
> from certain, that the difference between these two cases is where
> you put the calls. You know, the things that are not even part of
> the method. :-)

Grandsire/New Grandsire is the canonical example of a "more meaningful
rotation", but it is easy to construct others. One that has sort of
come up in practice (it appears in published compositions, but none
that, to my knowledge, have actually been rung :-) is backwards
hunting Original. I think that to many ringers that would feel like a
different method to the usual forward hunting Original, doubly so if
one still made the calls hand and back.

Don Morrison <dfm at ringing.org>
"In principle, there are as many answers as there are doctoral
candidates to deconstruct [the question]."
     -- David Schoenbaum, _The Violin: A Social History_

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