[r-t] Many thanks

Glenn Taylor gaataylor at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Nov 30 08:14:31 UTC 2015


As Philip has already indicated, learning the blue line for a method is the
usual way of making progress with more advanced methods. The idea of a
(brief) circle of work only really lends itself to the simplest of methods -
usually those that consist of plain hunting punctuated by the occasional
dodge to add what passes for interest. Minor methods usually consist of five
leads and it is overwhelmingly the case that the work of each of these leads
needs to be committed to memory although there are a handful of methods
(Kent and Oxford TB plus Double Norwich Major spring to mind) that can be
rung by algorithms such as "always do this except..." or a sequence of work.

If you are unfamiliar with the learning of a blue line then it is vital to
be familiar with the terminology used to commit "components" of blue lines
to memory as this makes it easier to learn, is more reliable and also means
that you can communicate with others - and they with you if you yourself
should fall off the line! For example, if you look at where the 2nd starts
in Cambridge Minor under no circumstances attempt to learn this by places

	one, two, one, one, two, two, one, two, one, one, two, one, two,
three etc.

as this is a recipe for disaster! A moment's distraction and you're sunk. I
have witnessed this precise problem when inexperienced ringers have been
thrown at Stedman Doubles and are attempting to cope with a single by
reciting  "five, four, five, five, four, five, five, four." and getting
hopelessly lost. The above Cambridge work should be learnt as "dodge, lead,
2nds, dodge, lead, dodge" - but since this pattern commonly occurs in other
methods it is known in toto as 'Cambridge front work'. This means that 2nds
place bell Cambridge (i.e. the lead starting from 2nds place) reduces to:

	Cambridge front work, double dodge 5-6 up, dodge 5-6 down (to become
6th place bell)

This is much easier to commit to memory, hunting between components is taken
for granted and it just remains to "unpack" the meaning of 'Cambridge front
work' when you get to it.



-----Original Message-----
From: ringing-theory [mailto:ringing-theory-bounces at bellringers.net] On
Behalf Of william.hronas at yahoo.com
Sent: 30 November 2015 05:41
To: ringing-theory at bellringers.net
Subject: [r-t] Many thanks

Many thanks to all who responded! My next question is- Is there a circle of
work for Cambridge Minor and Major? I can't find one online. Thanks so


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