[r-t] Erin Triples

Philip Saddleton pabs at cantab.net
Sat Jun 22 16:30:28 BST 2024

Unlike Stedman, where there are many examples of peals with only two
singles (and thanks to Andrew Johnson, now many with none), we know of
very few ways that the extent of Erin Triples can be organized into a
small number of bobs-only round blocks. Examples are

20-part arranged as four 5-part blocks with a Q-set available to join
Actually quite closely related to the above

Another 20-part (though the part-ends do not form a group) but needs at
least 6 singles. There are some twin-bob linkages available but they
cannot combine the two halves.

Various people (Ander Holroyd, Andrew Johnson, Rob Lee) have found ways
in which a 7-part (or 21-part) structure can be used to find multiple
blocks that cannot be joined. Are there any others where the number of
blocks is relatively small?

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