[r-t] Non-distinct fragments

Graham John graham at changeringing.co.uk
Sun Nov 21 16:34:57 UTC 2004

PABS wrote:

> How many methods would this be? There are six fragments and
> nine possible leads - but all of the fragments are contained
> in only three methods. Currently you can claim to have rung
> nine methods spliced at the lead end (which some might
> dispute), but can't claim it as half-lead spliced. This seems
> reasonable to me.

If you are talking about a composition which contains a change of method at
every half lead and lead end, then I agree that you can only have one method
defined per distinct half-lead fragment. But I would define a fragment as a
sequence of place notation between calls (or changes of method), so if you
included lead length fragments of each method in a composition of half-lead
spliced, then I see nothing wrong with claiming that the composition
includes all of them. 


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