[r-t] Compositions of the Decade: Part 6 - Caters

Philip Earis Earisp at rsc.org
Mon Dec 14 09:52:40 UTC 2009

Ander on Erin Caters:
"I think you've got yer wires crossed here Philip.  The 5076 was the 
original, and is probably noteworthy only for its historical interest 
(well, I suppose it has a simpler calling, too).  The 5022 has superior 
music.  At least I think it has, although I've never actually got to ring 
the thing!"

Thanks for the correction Ander.  I've rung the original once and the modified version at least a couple of times.  I actually remember the original with more fondness - there's a lot to be said for simple calling structures.  I should revisit it, anyway.

MBD's point about Grandsire Caters - this is certainly fair, and I've updated the wiki page accordingly.

It has also been pointed out that there were also compositions involving similar cyclic transitions shortly before Mark Eccleston's Stedman Caters that I included. One such example would be 5050 Stedman Caters composed by Richard Grimmett, rung at St Paul's, Birmingham on 26/2/2007 - http://www.campanophile.co.uk/view.aspx?47667 - which I'm happy to reproduce below.

[I wasn't trying to say Mark was the very first person to include such transitions in Stedman - indeed, I think Don Morrison has some Stedman cinques compositions involving similar concepts dating from at least 2002...]

5050 Stedman Caters
Richard Grimmett

  342156978  1s. (16 sixes)
  4132       6.8s.16
  1243       6.8s.16
  2134       6s.8s.15
  1423       6.8s.16
  4312       6.8s.16
  3241       6.8s.16
  2314       6s.8s.15
  214397568  3.8s.10s.14.17
  1324       6s.15
  3124       13s
  4321       8s.13s
  135792468 (20 sixes)
  321465879 (16 sixes)
  245163     6s.15.16s
  243165     16s
  415362     6s.15.16s
  412365     16s
  145263     6s.8s.15.16s
  143265     16s
  198765432  3s. (16 sixes)
  219876543   (a)
  321987654   (a)
  432198765   (a)
  543219876   (a)
  654321987   (a)
  765432198   (a)
  876543219   (a)
  987654321   (a)
  2431       6s.15
  4123       6s.15
  1432       6s.8s.15
  4213       6s.15
  235164     6s.15.16s
  234165     16s
  3124       6s.15
  1342       6s.8s.15
  421365879  3s. (20 sixes)
  235164     6s.15.16s
  234165     16s
  315462     6s.15.16s
  312465     16s
  135264     6s.8s.15.16s
  134265     16s
  231465789  1s.5s.7.9s.10.12 (16 sixes)
  231456     2s.7s.9s

(a) =
Start from rounds as the last row of a quick six


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