[r-t] 8 spliced atw 7com

Robert Lee rlee5040 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 29 12:32:39 UTC 2012

2p worth: I do follow MBD's argument and have no strong preference either way how 
people choose to define com. But there is a time and a place for the 'conductor's logic' - 
take Roddys one part peal of BLFG. I've seen it sent up as 113 or 112 com and 
this gives a handy indication of who's chickened out and called the split tenors 
section at the start rather than the end.

In response to Roddy's original point, I'd be surprised if a peal with 7(/8) 
com was possible (for example, IIRC every in course tenors together course of London is
false against the plain course of Superlative). And even if some bizarre selection of tenors 
parted courses did fit the bill, it'd likely be complete gash.

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