[r-t] Unclassified

John Harrison john at jaharrison.me.uk
Sun Jun 5 09:47:46 UTC 2016

In article <3115af28-005f-18be-df9d-bc0e31f62a1f at tedsteele.plus.com>,
   Ted Steele <bells at tedsteele.plus.com> wrote:

> why not list such things as Freestyle; or some other title
> that suggests a lack of commonly used constructions and a freedom from
> established constraints; and let time determine which, if any are
> developing into groups that justify classification in their own right.

Letting time determine whether there really is a new category, and if so
what it is, makes sense.  But the term 'Freestyle' to me implies something
more specific, ie that it has no structure/rationale rather than that one
hasn't yet been determined.  It's a bit like the difference between atheist
and agnostic.

John Harrison
Website http://jaharrison.me.uk

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