[Stretham-rec] Saturday 29th June - Beyond Bob Minor Session at Stretham REC

Dee Smith dee.fsmith at ntlworld.com
Mon Jun 24 19:54:14 BST 2019



This Saturday (29th June) we are having one of our Beyond Bob Minor
Sessions. Please note there will be NO DROP IN SESSION.


For those of you who are attending the Beyond Bob Minor Session (all invited
even if you have not been to previous sessions) we will be doing a quick
revision of Little Bob Minor and Kent Treble Bob Minor. How have you been
getting on since our last session? !!! Following on from this we will cover
the theory and pointers to help you learn and ring Cambridge Surprise Minor.


If you are intending to turn up please can you email me
dee.fsmith at ntlworld.com <mailto:dee.fsmith at ntlworld.com>  so I can see how
may to expect . Helpers appreciated as much as students. Please D Not reply
to this e mail address as it just goes to ALL the ringers on the lists.


Happy Ringing



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