[Stretham-rec] Intersting video of change bells in USA

renee tanburn reneetanburn at gmail.com
Sun Oct 13 22:47:21 BST 2019

Good one. Tx Karen.

On 13 October 2019, at 11:34, Karen Miles <km474 at medschl.cam.ac.uk> wrote:

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From: Stretham-rec <stretham-rec-bounces at lists.beasts.org> on behalf of Barbara Le Gallez <blegallez at yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: 10 October 2019 20:54
To: stretham-rec at lists.beasts.org
Subject: Re: [Stretham-rec] Concert 


Dear Stretham REC ringers,

Some of you may not know Philip, so perhaps I should just explain that his connection with the REC is that he attended many sessions here last year.

Best wishes,


On Thursday, 10 October 2019, 16:02:19 BST, philip mead <meadpj at hotmail.com> wrote: 

Dear Stretham ringers,
I am giving a piano recital on Saturday 19th October 1pm in Michaelhouse, Trinity St, Cambridge. Entry is free though there is a retiring collection in aid of the Michaelhouse Singers. The programme includes works by Mozart, Faure, Liszt, Grainger, Chopin and Debussy.
Best wishes,

Stretham-rec mailing list
Stretham-rec at lists.beasts.org

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