[Stretham-rec] Fwd: [Cambridge-District] Webinar: Town, Gown and Half a Crown, Thur 6th August 7.30pm

Louise Dobson louise9595 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 12:33:31 BST 2020

Hi All,
Please see the email from Dave Richards below.
Definitely worth a watch.
Best wishes,

Dear all,

We're delighted to welcome back Gareth Davies to speak on Town, Gown and
Half a Crown, ringing in Cambridge in the 19th Century. It will be on
Thursday 6th August at 7.30pm, and brings this sequence of webinars to a
close. If you'd like to attend, please register at

All the best,

Cambridge-District mailing list
Cambridge-District at lists.beasts.org
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