[Stretham-rec] REC Practice this Saturday 19 December

Louise Dobson louise9595 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 12:03:32 GMT 2020

Hi All,
Sincere apologies for sending out yet another email this week. I had
problems with the mailing list on Monday.
Second apologies as I sent out the wrong time for the Saturday practice. It
should have read - 3 to 5 pm. Details in full are:

*Saturday 19 December - 3 to 5 pm - Christmas Bells*

*Come along to the 3rd Saturday session to have a go at ringing with a
Christmas theme! **Ring carols on the tower bells. **Have a go at Christmas
Eve Doubles or Christmas Eve Minor (please see above).*

*Bring along your favourite Christmas cracker jokes! Come along in your
Christmas best hat or decoration (not compulsory)*
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 834 5664 8388
Passcode: 151563

*If anyone wants to ring for an hour in the morning to concentrate on a
particular method then if enough people are interested I will set up a

Please note that if you want to join any of the above and you are under 18
years, please ask a parent or guardian to join in initially so we know you
have their consent to join.

Best wishes,
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