[Stretham-rec] Fwd: [Cambridge-District] 3rd July Webinar, extended Q&A on short practice night touches

Louise Dobson louise9595 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 15:44:58 BST 2020

Hi All,
Please see the email below for a webinar/extended Q&A session tomorrow
night on short practice night touches.
Best wishes,

Dear all,
I'm sure we've all been there. Two-thirds of the way through the practice
and we've rung our 'normal routine' of touches - what should we do next?
Our next webinar tomorrow night (Friday 3rd July at 7.30pm) will take a
slightly different format. Jonathan Agg will be answering questions about
short practice-night touches. Relevant for ringers and conductors alike,
we'll look at doubles through to some major, but hopefully all of the ideas
can be applicable to your normal practice.

If you'd like to come, please register at
https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_x_WAAH8KSKepE0S2XxqQzg, or if
you're not able to make it, catch up with it (or any of the webinars so
far) on the district YouTube channel

All the best,
Cambridge-District mailing list
Cambridge-District at lists.beasts.org
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