[Stretham-rec] Fwd: [Cambridge-District] Webinar: Introduction to Abel on Thursday 4th June

Louise Dobson louise9595 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 11:03:57 BST 2020

Dear All,
Please see the email below about the next Webinar which will give an
introduction to Abel which you may find of use if you want to practice
ringing at home.
Best wishes,

Dear all,

Here are details of this week's webinar, which will be on Thursday 4th June
at 7.30pm.

*Introduction to Abel*

During lockdown, ringers have been forced to make do with various forms of
'virtual ringing'. However, it's a difficult transition -- not many people
have used computers or mobile phones for their main ringing activity before.

In this talk, Nikki Thomas and Simon Rudd are going to introduce Abel, one
of the ringing simulators you'll commonly see in towers across the UK, and
which can also be used at home. They will also have a look at the companion
products for mobile phone. How do you take your first steps when a robot is
ringing all the other bells? Here's your chance to ask the questions!

Registration here:


Best wishes,

Greg Pearce
Cambridge-District mailing list
Cambridge-District at lists.beasts.org
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