[Stretham-rec] Up Coming Q&A Session and Webinar

Louise Dobson louise9595 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 16:32:00 BST 2020

Dear All,
Please see below details of coming events:
*Learners' Q&A Drop-in*
We will be continuing with the weekly Q&A drop-in session on Saturday 13
June from 10am. This week we will be focussing on the topic of place bells
- what are they, and why are they important??
Everyone is welcome to attend, and we'll make sure that there is plenty of
time for questions on this and any other topic of interest!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 4268 4447
Password: 272637

We're very pleased to welcome Adrian Sweeting to talk about ringing spliced
surprise minor. He will be delivering a two-part talk - first part this
Friday (12th June) at 7.30pm and the concluding part the following Friday.
Adrian writes:

*People talk about 41 Surprise Minor. Why 41? Which are the 41? Do you
really have to learn all of the methods? Is there an easy way to learn them
all? What can I gain by knowing them?If you are bored with Cambridge (the
Method), have a working knowledge of London, want to fill in the blanks,
and a determination to stay awake... this could be the course for you.*

Registration for part 1 (Friday 12th June, 7.30pm):

Registration for part 2 (Friday 19th June, 7.30pm):

Best wishes,
-------------- next part --------------
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