[Stretham-rec] focused Ely DA higher numbers practice on ringingroom

Alban Forster albanforster at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jun 16 18:36:09 BST 2020

 Hi all,
Confirming our Ely DA higher numbers practice this Saturday at 7:30. I've added a few more to my initial email last Saturday and it's good that we have a lot of handbell ringer support already. Those who haven't replied, don't worry, just turn up if you're free. Here is the zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 853 7407 7624
Password: 057430
If it proves successful, we can think of doing a monthly practice...
Looking forward to Saturday...Alban

    On Saturday, 13 June 2020, 13:15:18 BST, Alban Forster <albanforster at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:  
 Hi all,
Back in May on the VE day weekend, I put out a suggestion to people to try and have an Ely DA higher numbers practice on ringingroom but only a very small number replied positively. I've been ringing with the Stretham REC people on Saturdays and they seem quite keen to try ringing on 10... I thought that if there were enough experienced people who were willing to support this, this could be viable. Therefore, I'm sending this to some of our experienced handbell ringers as well as the people who initally expressed interest. Then we could really support people by having just 1 person in at a time with the rest of us ringing 2 if need be... We could then mix the practice up by trying more adventurous things in between too as well as pushing people onto 12 if progress is made...
I think it's better to specify a definite time, so how about next Saturday evening? What do people think?
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