[Stretham-rec] This Saturday at the REC - 14 March - 11:00 to 12:00

Louise Dobson louise9595 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 12:50:21 GMT 2020

Hi All,
Two apologies. First for sending out this email late. Second, it was the
fifth Saturday of the month on the 29 February so it was a focused Plain
Hunt session, last week we had an Ely District meeting and this Saturday it
is the second Saturday so another Plain Hunt session. I appreciate this may
be frustrating for those ringers currently working on changes, place making
and Kaleidoscope ringing. We are back to normal next week.

If you would like to drop into the Plain Hunt session this week from 11:00,
as a support ringer or learner, then please let me know by emailing
strethamrec at elyda.org.uk

Please also note that on a *Wednesday evening from 19:00 to 20:30*, there
is a REC practice for those wanting to learn from scratch, move onto
rounds, call changes, Kaleidoscope ringing and beyond. Tutors are Barbara
Le Gallez, Nicholas Small, Steve Setter and Catherine Simcock.
If you would like to attend this practice then please contact Barbara at:
blegallez at yahoo.co.uk

Please *DO NOT* send a reply to the stretham-rec at lists.beasts.org unless
you want to send a message to everyone on the mailing list.

If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining this mailing list
please ask them to enter their details on the following page:
https://lists.mythic-beasts.com/mailman/listinfo/stretham-rec or send an
email direct to me.

Best wishes,
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